Sunday, February 29, 2004

sorry... forgot

One more thing everyone: I picked up John Frusciante's (Red Hot Chili Pepper's guitarist) solo album Thursday. This CD is just so awesome! It's kinda like the Chili Pepper's By the Way album, in that it has a lot of melodies involved, which adds to the listener's enjoyment of the album as a whole. Many of the songs are acoustic "ballad-ish" kinda songs; however, their are two songs on the album that lean much closer to rock (and in turn, themselves, rock). The lyrics are nice and real too. He sings about everything from his struggle through heroin addiction to love. Favorite line on the album: "You think that I'm a man / I beg to differ / For I am her as much as I'm me". That's beautiful. I'm out... again~ Rich

Rockin' Weekend

Yo! Yo! Yo! Ya, kinda haven't written in awhile; my bad. But, we just got a much needed memory upgrade on the sorry excuse for a computer we have. Anyway, I have lotsa new news; none of it involving running (much to your dismay, right? haha). Went to the German convention this weekend which was really cool. I spent like 4 hours drawing this map of Switzerland (Schweiz) because I suck at drawing and I actually wanted to make something I wasn't ashamed of. This ended up paying off because I was able to go home with the bronze! (actually it was a white ribbon... those cheap bastards!) The whole trip was really fun. Hung out with LP for the majority of the trip. Plus I got to talk to Emiltag (haha) quite a bit, which I haven't really felt comfortable doing because of circumstances beyond her control. Had a fun time at the hotel down there to. Between Thursday to Saturday night I had about 6 hours of total sleep. After 12 hours of sleep last night I was good to go today. Went up to Hobart with Joe, stopped at Barnes & Noble to pick up Code of the Samurai (a complete translation of the Code of Bushido), and then played a basketball with a few of his friends from H-town. Got home and ran @ Stoney Run / the Lake County countryside. I'm done with this now. Kinda rambled through and it's getting boring. So I'm outty.~ Rich

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

changes... maybe

Hi everyone. I'm talking to Carolyn right now. This is a subject that does not involve running. She seems to think that I need more things like that on this little blog of mine. So, I shall see what I can do about it.... but I'm not making any promises. ~ Rich


Sitting in my aide period right now. The geometry class from next room is now trickling into mine. I will soon be surrounded by the sounds of many internet games and the sound of very crappy music. But it's all good. A half an hour and I'll be out on the road on a sunny day. That's about it for now... more later ~ Rich

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Disappointment blows

Howdy all. School was boring and the stuff I find out about the past just keeps getting funnier. Other than that my life is all about running and homework right now. How fun it is.... I really need something new. Anyway, I ran my first track workout in over a month..... with very crappy results I might add. I only ran 4x400 and 2x200; the splits being 70, 70, 70, 70, 35, and 30. The splits were not what pissed me off, rather it was the number of intervals I was able to do. Moreover, I've found that my form has gotten better and worse at the same time. My arms are much stronger, and in turn, I believe I will have a more effective kick this year; but, my feet just won't stop pounding like hell on the ground after the first few intervals. My warmup and cooldown were both at really decent pace though (6:18... little too fast... and 6:47). So I dunno. In the meantime, I've got a nice little 8-miler to run tomorrow which I shall enjoy. Thursday is the big day of the week though cuz that's the 5-mile tempo/time trial deal. I'm optimistic.... we'll see how it goes. I'm out~ Rich

Monday, February 23, 2004

5 miler @ 5:40

Yo yo yo! Got up at a fairly early hour this morning, 5:40 to be exact. The reason being I will be unable to make it to track practice today. I gotta try and find a job plus I have a nice little visit to the dentist at 4. Anyway, running in the dark was nice. Before I went out I checked out the temp... 37 degrees! So it was definately shorts weatha. I cruised through the first 3 miles pretty easily, but I can tell that my endurance is still in the crapper, cuz I struggled a little bit on the 4th... caught my 2nd wind on the 5th. School was boring today, as it always is nowadays. Gotta lift after I get back from the dentist. That's all for now, I don't feel like typing anymore. Lataz ~ Rich

Sunday, February 22, 2004


Good evening everyone. This weekend has been fun. I went to a few games, hung out with some friends, gotta good workout in, and found some more books to add to my long list of books I will get around to reading. It has also been a time of thinking... about many things. Those things being God, my training, my studies, and my freetime (that is to say my lack thereof in the coming weeks). I realized the other day that it has to have been at least six months since I have picked up my Bible and read a few passages from it. This disturbs me. In his sermon today, my pastor challenged all of us to read a book of the Bible over the course of Lent. This seems to be a very good idea and I believe that I shall do just that; the next question, however, is which book to choose? I've already read Revelation a few times, which is quite interesting. Although I'm thinking my selection shall be the book of Matthew; the reason being that Matthew is the primary book which Mel Gibson has used in his interpretation of the last 12 hours of Christ in his new movie. As an added bonus, this gets me back to reading the truly important stuff, which I have obviously overlooked for quite some time. And now I move on to my training. I'm much happier now that I've started running again and have, seemingly, bounced back from what could have been a really nasty injury (based on last year's experience). My first real test is gonna be this Wednesday or Thursday, as I have scheduled a 5-mile tempo run. I have no clue what I will clock in at, however, it will be a sub-6:50 pace... I will make sure of that. As for speedwork it's not something I'm entirely worried about right now. Any speedwork that I will be doing for the next 2 weeks will be primarily over longer distances, such as fartleks or mile-repeats. Saturday I got out to the track and got 4.5 miles of decent speedwork in, ladders mainly. Interestingly enough it looks like my progression towards the really "breathtaking" workouts will come right when I'm heading out to NH. Thus, I'm delighted to announce that I'm gonna get some of the best speedwork in with some ungodly hill repeats on the "hills" around my cousin's house. Frank Shorter once said that "hills are speedwork in disguise"....... I can't wait to put his theory and my legs to the test, cuz I plan to push my anaerobic and aerobic thresholds to higher limits than they have ever been to. I might eleborate on some of this stuff later in the week to bore all of the non-runners who read this :) ~ Rich

Thursday, February 19, 2004

stupid people

Hello everyone, today's topic will be stupid people. Now I know that simply coining the phrase "stupid people" is a little broad, so I shall drastically narrow it down: stupid people who possess "sh*t for brains" who, even in the most basic of arguments, are not able to come up with even the simplest a retort or pithy comment, and thus do to this lack of intelligence and/or cleverness, have to resort to empty threats of violence. How sad. By now, the majority of you have probably come to the conclusion that I probably encountered one of these people in the past few days. This assumption is undoubtedly correct (give yourself a pat on the back). I shall not name names, instead I shall aptly refer to this idiot as "Simpleton". Now typically Simpleton, for the most part, is a really cool kid. I guess I'll just tell the story.... with commentary here and there, of course. 'Twas after school and before track practice the other day. A member of the baseball team was ignorantly commenting to one of our runners, who also plays baseball, that he should not go to track practice and go to baseball instead because he could "run by himself later on." I'll admit the comment pissed me off a little more than it should have and I replied to the baseball player that the sprinter needed to show up to practice because running by himself would not be the same. I explained that this idea was just as likely as a baseball player skipping practice and going home to play catch with his dad later on, hoping that it would yield the same results. So, Simpleton was a few feet away and apparently I had ticked him off now. The reason being is that I "think I'm the best runner in the world and that track is the best sport in the world," (which we all know it isn't, it's second to great sports like curling, cricket, and ping pong) but we'll get to that later. Once Simpleton has heard my reply to the other baseball player's comment, he decides to join in the meaningless argument. He sarcastically asks me what I think the sprinter should do, "maybe he should just do track!?" I then stated that there was no reason he could not do both. However, one must take in to consideration a few facts about this sprinter: A.) he's only a freshmen and will most likely not play varsity baseball, however he WILL run varsity track B.) track season has already officially started, baseball has not. C.) the sprinter is needed and appreciated by the track team far more than the baseball team. I unfortunately did not explain this too him. Nonetheless, after I told him that the sprinter could do both he told me that I thought I knew everything. I told him that I did not know everything (for example, I still have yet to find out why hot dog buns come in packages of 8 instead of 6, which is obviously a much more feasible size), but that I did know I was the only male from our high school to make it to regionals in the past 2 years in any sport (save bowling I realized later) and that, furthermore, the baseball team had not advanced to regionals since 1978 (or '76, whatever the case it was a hella long time ago, since then more than 3 runners have made all-state). Simpleton then decided to throw his insults at my team rather than me. He then says that the baseball team doesn't make it because they have to work as a team, unlike the track team. Afterall, "when was the last time your team advanced to regionals or won conference?" Wow Simpleton, good question..... if I was talking to a four year-old anyway. I explained that first off, teams don't advance to regionals in track, individuals do. Secondly, over the past 2 years our team has fielded less than 10 people. And, unlike baseball, that is not enough to "play ball" when it comes to making noise as a team. Simpleton then claims that all of our team should be able to qualify as individuals for regionals. Hmm..... another interesting theory. However, it's a really stupid argument considering that A.) not even perrennial powerhouses such as Valpo can get everyone to regionals and B.) you can only put 2 people in each event at sectionals so it would be impossible to get everyone to qualify. The problem is when he gets angry, especially about things that are way over his ability to comprehend, he starts to lose what little ability he already possessed to think rationally. Which I will get to once I finish this part of the story and get to the next part. That is all for tonight ~ Rich NOTE: the story will be continued on this specific thread, not another one

Running... arguing... stupid people... same stuff, different day...

Practice was fun today... my leg's getting better... everything is good really.... more on everything later... as for now I have a game to go see. Lata~ Rich

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Mr. A rocks too!

Today was cool. I talked to my new coach, Mr. Anderson, today for half of the lunch period about track. It sounds like he's got his sh%t together when it comes to the organization of the team. He mainly wants to work w/the sprinters are field events people, which is cool because me and Mike D. are fairly knowledgeable when it comes to the distance stuff. It looks like we'll be doing some weightlifting this year (which makes me happy) and I talked to him about keeping training logs too. So it all seems to be coming together. In the next few weeks everyone will probably be showing up to practice (depending on how far our basketball team advances). All in all, we're gearin' up for what should be a very fun and memorable year.

I ran at Stoney Run today with Matt and we will probably continue to do so through this week. The reason being that my calf is still a little tender and I'm trying to strengthen it without pulling it again. By staying on the snow/grass I think I will be able to do just that. Moreover, running around on uneven footing will build up the stabilizer muscles in the ankles/knees/hips, which are very important in reducing the chance of injuries. I gotta really long, really boring, paper on existentialism that I have to start working on though, so I'm gonna have to get going. That's all for now. Bye bye~ Rich

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Track rocks

Ok, 4.5 hours after and I'm in a state of bliss. I got to do what I do best when it comes to runnin'... that being my own thing. Since it was my first day back I just did a few easy miles, nothin' killer. Came home and lifted, which I always enjoy. Now I'm typin' away, pretty happy really, happier than I should be in fact (scary). But it's all good, I got a little over 6 weeks to get ready for my first meet now. I've been talking about running too much lately, even though that is my kinda thing. Maybe I'll talk about something else tomorrow.... liberals? cheap pizza? girls?... who knows.... sometimes I can actually be spontaneous. Until then kiddies, I'm signing out~ Rich

first practice today... fun!

Hey, we had our first meeting for track today. I'm happy, we have more people out this year than we have in the past 3 years. Moreover, I think our coach will be okay. It looks like I will be on my own with training for the most part, which I'm quite satisfied with. Today I'm gonna go out for a few easy miles; it'll be my first run in around 10 days because of my pulled calf. I'll tell ya about it later (like you really care). Later ~ Rich

Sunday, February 15, 2004

Good weekend so far....

Hello all, so far I've had fun this weekend. I went to the Auto Show which was awesome. The new Mustang GT and Ford GT are absolutely beautiful. They finally have restyled the two cars to look like real muscle cars unlike the shit they've been making the past few years (sorry folks, the last Mustangs I liked were made in the 60's). Another car to check out is the BMW 6-series. The styling is sporty, as usual, and the car is really comfortable to sit in. Next, I went up to M-Ville with Ricky, who proceeded in buying every Monty Python movie and TV show on DVD. We then came back and watched a few of the shows for a few hours. I love that stuff. After that I went to Crown Point with Joe to watch Hobart face off against Portage. Hobart lost, which sucked, but it was cool nonetheless. In yet another spectating episode, I went w/Johnny D. to Hanover to the BG vs. Wheeler game. Wheeler won in double-OT which was pretty intense. As for today, I'm not doin' jack. Time to rest my wallet a little bit (she's taken a beatin' the past few days). I might go and check out the concert in the park later on tonight tho, I dunno. It's only $1, so I can live with that. Later~ Rich

Friday, February 13, 2004

outta town

Today is gonna be nice. First, goin' up to the mall w/Matt and Ricky to get Monty Python. After that I'm goin' to Hobart and Crown Point with Joe for sectionals. That's it for now cuz I gotta make this quick. Later~ Rich

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

not feelin' so hot

Hello. Just got back from the 1st round of girl's basketball sectionals. It was quite dissapointing. Our girls team lost to Morgan Twp. after racking up a 10 point lead in the first 4 minutes of the game. But it happens I guess. Not really feeling to good right now. I don't think I'll be going to school tomorrow. I don't have anything that I need to do anyway cuz it's my blowoff day. Not a whole lot to talk about right now, so I'll leave it at that. Later~ Rich

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

2 days until fun

Yes kids, that's right.... we only have 2 more days until we get our blessed four day weeekend. I'm quite ecstatic over this matter. Among other plans, I'm going to the auto show, sectionals (if we get out and I hope we do), and possibly over to Ricki's for a Monty Python Marathon (he's buyin' the box set!). I'm a little down though, being single and all on V-day. Like to find a date, but I really dunno who haha. So to you ladies out there.... ya, you know the spiel... call me haha ;). Well this is like day, uhhhhh, 5, ya, 5, of me not running.... which also sucks, but it happens. I can't wait to run again. It's funny how after a while I might think I'm getting sick of it, but then I'll get injured (like I am now) and I remember how much I love it (even the sub-15 days). I guess the best thing to do when I get back is take it wicked easy for a week or so, because I don't really feel like winding up like this again. That's all for now I guess. Until next time.~ Rich

Monday, February 09, 2004

Gastrocnemius strain......

Well I found out what I pulled/strained; it turns out it's the gastrocnemius muscle. This, by the way, is the same muscle in the same leg that I ended up straining last year. So I'm out for another week or two on top of the time that I have already taken off. I'm pretty mad about the whole deal, but I'd rather pull it right now then later on in the season when I start racing. In the meantime it looks like I'll just have to keep up my lifting program and pray that my endurance doesn't go completely down the drain, which if it's anything like last year I shouldn't be too badly off. Still optimistic about the season, got my goals, not gonna tell ya what they are though :). That's all for now. ~ Rich

Sunday, February 08, 2004


well I had been typing a huge rant.... then my comp froze... so I shall just tell you that nothing happened today, I didn't run, I'm ticked because I didn't run, and I really am not looking forward to anything in the next 5 months except spring break and the end of school. Later~ Rich

Lazy people suck

Judging by the title of today's rant, you should be able to come to the right conclusion of what subject matter I shall be discussing. Yes kids, I hate lazy people; they really piss me off. The problem is that I'm surrounded by a lot of them everyday. I see them in the halls, on the street, at games. Why do I hate lazy people, you might ask? Well, it's not just because of the fact they are lazy, it's the fact that many of them could really kick ass at something.... but they choose not to because it might actually take effort. I've seen this happen quite often in this particular town that I shall refer to as "Norbeh." "Norbeh" has many people that are extremely gifted, whether it be athletically or intellectually. However, these many of them have this idea that anything that takes even the smallest amount of hard work is not worth doing. Adding to the problem, a philosophy is fostered into many of the citizens minds that "it's all good as long as you could have done (insert lack of action here) if you wanted to" or "(you did not succeed because you didn't even attemp to try, but) as long as you look like you tried it's ok." The problem is that many of the kids by into this, and in time develop a very strong losing mentality. If some are doubtful they should just take a look at the athletic programs in that town, or even what the students there go on to do. There are a number of teams that have suffered very badly the past few years because many people that were extremely talented did not participate because they didn't want to exert themselves in any way. In the same way, there are many people that could go on to bigger and better things, but choose not to because they are satisfied with mediocrity and simplicity. However, come to think of it, I really should not complain to much. It is because of many of these people's choices that I have been able to do well in areas such as running. Afterall, I can think of at least 4 people that should be able to absolutely cream me in a race with just a little training. But then again, that would take work.......

Saturday, February 07, 2004

I love basketball

Went with Joe to Hobart's homecoming match against Munster. That game had to be the best game I have seen in 2 years. Munster is currently ranked #4 in the state in the 4A class and Hobart is an unranked 3A, but Hobart played an impressive game and sent the game in to double overtime... just an absolutely amazing game! In other news, today marks day 2 of my taking time off of running. I'm starting to get the same warning signs of a strained right calf muscle, just like last year when I actually fully pulled it. So I really dunno what I wanna do right now. I dunno if I even wanna run track. It's a pretty risky if I pull my muscle right before I start my base training for college. I'm more worried about my running career as it pertains to next fall and the 4 years after that, but it would be fun to run some more HS meets too. Moreover, it's fun to train w/the guys on my team; we have had some good times and I'd like a few more. And I hate playin' the sideline spectator. So we'll see.... and now for something completely different (and not on this blog). ~ Rich

Thursday, February 05, 2004

warm weather

It was really nice out today aside from the wind. I got away with just one longsleeve shirt, gloves, and shorts. The wind was coming pretty harsh outta the east, but it was still good. Finally got into the weight room after running for the first time this week.... it was good to be back. What I do tomorrow will probably depend on how shitty it decides to get tonight. Hope for the best and plan for the worst, I guess. That be all. ~ Rich

Shout Outs

Just got done grading papers... fun as usual. Mike D discovered my blog last night and was complaining that I didn't send any shoutouts his way, so here goes: "I would like to send a shot out to my awesome running/arguing companion, Mike D!" Hope ya liked it Mikey. The weather guys are sayin' that we are supposed to get some nice snow today, but I don't seen any yet. Maybe nature's being considerate towards me and is waiting until I run to let it rip; that would be really cool because I love running in snow. We'll see.... that's all for now. Lataz~ Rich

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Money, it's a hit....

Howdy y'all! Got my computer debugged. Funny thing really... it had five viruses screwing it up simultaneously! But it's all good now; so be happy. Today was a good day. Ran like I always do, but I also got a dividend check in the mail :) Cash money for doin' nothin', gotta love it. I also picked up Incubus's new CD a crow left of the murder, it rocks my world and I highly reccomend it. That's all for now, later folks. ~ Rich

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Long time... nothin' new though

Sorry I haven't written in a few days. My computer has a wonderful little virus that's making any attempt at doing something on it a living hell. Went down to Renssel-tucky to watch USI play St. Joe's on Saturday. I thought USI had it in the bag, but they ended up dropping the game by 3 points. So, considering I spent 2 hours round-trip on the road to watch the game, I was kind of disappointed (but it was only $2 for admission so I can't complain too much). As for running, it has been going pretty slowly. The snow is making it a real pain to run anywhere. I can't get decent traction on the roads, but the snows to deep to run on the trails. Thus, I have to settle for slipping all over the roads. I've also decided not to run the AAU meet in Merriville in favor of screwing around in Chicago that weekend (the Auto Show specifically). On a final, completely insignificant and mindless note, I think if the United States were ever to invade Canada they should keep the ski areas and golf courses and spit the rest out..... especially Quebec.