Friday, March 17, 2006

"You're hyped up on goofballs, aren't you?"

Question: What do you get when a 6 foot, 250 lb pound, cop pulls over a 5' 5" 110 pound women a little buzzed from her flu medication?

Answer: "Taser time!"

I suppose the story is not too surprising considering I've had friends who were pulled over in Hamilton County for being teenagers, but this is a bit much.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Mmmm... Laffer

Well, I suppose I can agree with Kudlow that one side of the economic coin is going well. Now if Bush could quit spending like a kid in a candy store, then maybe I'd stop confusing him with Jimmy Carter and Lyndon Johnson.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Hooray for cronyism!

And who should be one of the next appointees for the Federal Reserve board? Maybe one of the guys that lost to Bernanke for chair. Or maybe anyone who's got a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard, Chicago, Stanford, Columbia, or Penn. Could we possibly get a top banking executive, you know, someone with first-hand market experience. Naaaaah, who needs that? Let's just go with a mid-30's White House aid who has a law degree. Oh yeah, and his dad has g Fiven more than $150k to the party.

Who knows, with the next Fed position opening up in April, maybe Harriet can get another crack at something she knows nothing about.

"Shakedown! You know you wanna kick it with your old friends..."

Last weekend I saw Umphrey's McGee live at the Murat in Indy. WOW. That was the most intense concert I've ever gone to (which I suppose isn't saying too much, but regardless). They opened up with "Plunger" which is one of my personal favs. After that they did a decent version of "Jimmy Stewart" (a title they use for an open jam they do almost every show). The first set was finished off with a mindblowing cover of Blue Oyster Cults "Don't Fear the Reaper" in which Glen Kotche from Wilco came out to play a mean cowbell with Farag. I didn't studder; there were two cowbells. Set breaks were really quick and on the second set there were a few songs I had never heard. "Front Porch" was rocked hardcore not once, but twice. When the second set ended, everyone started cheering like crazy and five minutes later Umphrey's came out for the closer. The closer was quite the sonic experience. Everytime I thought it was going to end they launched into another round; harder, louder, more intense. The show had started @ 9. Umphrey's took the stage @ 10. Umphrey's finished @ 1:00 AM.

My only advice is that if you ever have the chance to watch UM live, do it. You won't be disappointed.