Pssss... I've got a little secret to tell...
Current unemployment statistics show that we are under 5%. In fact, we are apparently at 4.7%. But sssshhhhh, don't tell anyone. We wouldn't want anyone to know that this rate is lower than anything we had under the Clinton years, or 1960-90, for that matter. Remember, those were eight years of peace and economic prosperity (try not to look at Al-Qaeda's embassy bombings in Africa, the attack on the USS Cole, the first World Trade Center attack, or the stock market crash in '01 due to apathy regarding sound economic policy). I find it interesting that the economy has been doing amazing since, 2004, at the very least, and yet I still encounter many people telling me that Bush's policies are economically dangerous or impractical. Here's my opinion on the issue, minus the PC:
- Spending.... I often confuse Bush with Jimmy Carter
- Monetary policy.... brilliant. I believe Bernanke will be an excellent Fed chairman because he is, at heart, a monetarist. He understands that the supply of money is one the key issues in determining inflation or deflation, not so much interest rates. I also believe that the tax cuts that were given in the early years of Bush's presidency contributed significantly to the stimulation of the economy (though I will also acknowledge they will increase debt over long term)
So there you have it... my late night rant, which is probably full of grammatical errors and poor wording. But I think I have made my point.
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