Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Long time... nothin' new though

Sorry I haven't written in a few days. My computer has a wonderful little virus that's making any attempt at doing something on it a living hell. Went down to Renssel-tucky to watch USI play St. Joe's on Saturday. I thought USI had it in the bag, but they ended up dropping the game by 3 points. So, considering I spent 2 hours round-trip on the road to watch the game, I was kind of disappointed (but it was only $2 for admission so I can't complain too much). As for running, it has been going pretty slowly. The snow is making it a real pain to run anywhere. I can't get decent traction on the roads, but the snows to deep to run on the trails. Thus, I have to settle for slipping all over the roads. I've also decided not to run the AAU meet in Merriville in favor of screwing around in Chicago that weekend (the Auto Show specifically). On a final, completely insignificant and mindless note, I think if the United States were ever to invade Canada they should keep the ski areas and golf courses and spit the rest out..... especially Quebec.


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