Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Disappointment blows

Howdy all. School was boring and the stuff I find out about the past just keeps getting funnier. Other than that my life is all about running and homework right now. How fun it is.... I really need something new. Anyway, I ran my first track workout in over a month..... with very crappy results I might add. I only ran 4x400 and 2x200; the splits being 70, 70, 70, 70, 35, and 30. The splits were not what pissed me off, rather it was the number of intervals I was able to do. Moreover, I've found that my form has gotten better and worse at the same time. My arms are much stronger, and in turn, I believe I will have a more effective kick this year; but, my feet just won't stop pounding like hell on the ground after the first few intervals. My warmup and cooldown were both at really decent pace though (6:18... little too fast... and 6:47). So I dunno. In the meantime, I've got a nice little 8-miler to run tomorrow which I shall enjoy. Thursday is the big day of the week though cuz that's the 5-mile tempo/time trial deal. I'm optimistic.... we'll see how it goes. I'm out~ Rich


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