In the 1940's, America, as well as the entire world, faced the threat of the Axis powers which primarily consisted of Germany and Japan. At the time, it was very easy to determine who was friend and who was foe. The battles were fought in jungles, on open plains, and in airplanes soaring through the sky. However, the enemies and threats that the free world faces are different now. America’s new enemies do not wear uniforms to distinguish themselves from civilians, nor do they keep civilians out of harms way when it comes to choosing battlegrounds. Battles of the modern day are fought in the streets of major cities, in the middle of civilian populations. This is not done on accident, rather it is intentional. Whether people choose to accept it or not, America and of the free world is at war with Islamic fascists. Any ignorance to this blatant reality should have been erased by the events that occurred in Russia this past week. As some people may or may not know, over 300 people, many of whom were children, were brutally murdered in a school gymnasium by Chechnyan and Islamic separatists with links to al-Qaeda.
Countries such as Russia, Spain, and France are now learning the hard way that America is not the only target of terrorism. Islamo-fascist hatred is not only targeted toward America, but also any and all other Western societies. This problem is not going to simply go away by ignoring it, such as America’s isolationist policies tried to ignore the inherent danger of the Axis powers pre-WWII. Nor is it going to be solved through appeasement such as Chamberlain’s failed talks with Hitler prior to the invasion of Poland. What the world needs to realize is that the Islamic extremist threat that it faces is of the same magnitude of the threat it faced from the Axis powers in the 1940's. The only differences are the places and means in which this war is being fought. Only cooperation and real effort by the major nations of the world will be able to overcome this threat. It was successful in WWII and it can be successful now.