Sunday, September 05, 2004

The Race
Came through the 5k in 17:35, finished the 6k race in 21:23. So, basically I sucked. Moving on....

Last Night
Jake called around 7'ish and said he was having a few people over to his place. So Rob and I talked to a bunch of girls and got them to come with. We watched some Chapelle's Show, played some ping pong, and listenened to Reffet on guitar. After we left we headed over to Rob's dorm room and chilled there for a little while. About 6-7 of us finally ended up in my living room pretty late. I was surprised we didn't wake up any of my roommates. Regardless, I met the coolest girl around last night.

Today is probably gonna be pretty mundane. I gotta go eat soon and later on I need to get my english and math done. Later tonight, we're heading over to John's house for what should be a good meal. Laterz ~ Rich


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