Monday, August 16, 2004

New Shoes! Yay!

My shoes arrived today! As an added plus, both pairs fit great. I would even go so far as to say that the Kennedy XC's feel like a second skin. The remainder of this afternoon is gonna be pretty boring as I have to clean up downstairs and get my stuff packed. I leave in 47.5 hours for Evansville. After I get everything packed I'm going up to Wheeler to run with Jake and we might be heading over to Rob's for the night after that. We did 10 miles yesterday at Sunset Hill as well as the hilly section of Campbell Street and I was totallly dead the rest of the night, so I'm hoping we only run 8 tonight. Tomorrow I'm going to see Collateral with Eric, a fellow USI student who resides in Portage. That's all for now.

Article for the day: VDH on Loathing Bush: It's Not About What He Does


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