Thursday, August 12, 2004

My nipples were really hard this morning. I think it was because it was like 60 degrees and I was running without a shirt. It really needs to warm up. Whatever the case, it was yet another good run through the hilly countryside by Shorewood Forest with my running companion Jake. When we returned to his house from the run I got to listen in on yet another humorous verbal exchange between Jake and his mom regarding food.

Jake: Mom, I'm hungry. Make me some biscuits and gravy.
Jake's Mom: Jake, I'm not making you breakfast, I'm busy right now.
Jake: Mom, I haven't had a hot meal all week. Your a housewife and you belong in the kitchen. Now get in the kitchen and me some biscuits and gravy, woman.

There was a little bit more conversation back and forth before his mom finally got kinda pissed. I couldn't help laughing my ass off though. Just to let you all know, he was just screwin' around, so don't flip out about, k? Thanks~ Rich

Mood: happy
Music: "Song to Play When I'm Lonely" by John Frusciante


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