Sunday, August 08, 2004

"It was twenty years ago today that Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play"


Oasis thought they were the Beatles of the 90's. If the only Beatle's song that you ever heard happened to be "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band," then you'd probably agree with them. My dad and I used to devote nights to going through his vinyl collection and playing all of good shit that he had (and believe me, there's plenty). His extensive collection includes the likes of The Moody Blues, Pink Floyd, Bob Dylan, The Mamas & The Papas, and The Beatles. He actually has every Beatles album and, at one point or another, I've listened to all of them. Unfortunately, that has been some time ago as the belt for the turntable is broken. Lucky for me, I had been listening to 97.1 a week ago and heard "Sgt. Pepper's...." for the first time in years. At that moment, I realized just how hella good that song was. Today I found myself in Target staring at the CD and it was $9.99. Lucky me. So I did what any sane person who doesn't have a copy should do: I bought it. What I like about the Beatles, and countless other bands of the 60's-70's, is that they give you an album that has a number of great songs on it. For example, this album has 13 songs, ten of which I absolutley love. Since I'm gonna be at college in 2 weeks I really need to get some more classics. I've decided upon The Who's Who's Next? and The Doors' L.A. Woman.

My Day... oh wait... it's 12:28... My Yesterday

I got up at 12 today. Sleeping in sucks. Thomas Edison used to live off of 4 hours of sleep; if only I could do the same. Regardless, I headed up to Valpo for some Jimmy John's and then I went browsing around B&N and Target. Once I had properly digested my delicious sandwich I drove up to the dunes for a sandy little run. Real dune runners real barefoot. Not only do you look like a hardass by running over rocks barefoot, but your feet also feel really good when you hit the fine sand (tee hee). Plus, sand is about the only thing I feel comfortable running on right now with the way my right knee feels. Anyway, I felt great during the run. The only downside was that people have a tendency of not watching where the hell they are going and I almost run them over. Nevertheless, the run was very enjoyable and I'm probably going up there tomorrow. That's all for now, bitches. ~ Rich (sorry I've been watching too much Chapelle's Show)


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