Thursday, July 29, 2004

Random Thoughts by Me, PART I

1. I’ve seen everyone else do these, so I figured I’d do one as well.
2. My name’s Richard
3. I’m also known as Rich, Dick, Dickster, Herb, Ferb, Ferby, Ferbster, and Ferburger
4. I am so glad I’m done with high school
5. I go to college in less than a month and I know it’s gonna kick ass
6. Oh, I’m running for USI’s track and cross-country teams
7. Jake from my team is back from Maine now and we started running together
8. He not only kicks ass, he is funnier than hell as well.
9. Thinking about running always brings me back to sophomore year
10. That was my best running year ever because of the people I had around me.
11. PJ and Scotty were my biggest influences during high school and I still respect them for that
12. I’m listening to Jimmy Hendrix right now
13. True, he was always on drugs.... but his emotions were true when he sang and played
14. I feel that music really is the best communicator
15. People have difficulty describing how they feel
16. If you listen to Jimi Hendrix, John Frusciante, Stevie Ray Vaughn, or Jimmy Page you can feel the emotion they’re trying to convey through the guitar... and it totally blows my mind.
17. My spine gets all tingly and I just connect with what they are trying to get across.
18. It saddens me that most of the music on the radio doesn’t have this element.
19. Many people totally miss out on good music because they are too busy buying artists who produce one single rather than an entire album.
20. Pink Floyd, The Who, Tool, and the Mars Volta really know how to make an album instead of just individual songs.
21. I would give anything to be an awesome musician instead of a runner.
22. 99% of the people who know me, don’t really know who I really am
23. I’ve never gotten close enough to anyone to ever tell them
24. I think that if I were a good musician I could convey my thoughts and emotions much easier
25. I do like being a runner though.
26. Running for long period of time gets me into a meditative state
27. My thoughts are much clearer and I learn more about myself
28. Running has also taught me what my physical and mental limits are
29. It’s also opened me up to the fact that I can always do better and
30. It has pushed me to do just that
31. Girls are weird....
32. I guess guys are too
33. If both of them didn’t try and play games and all of that bullshit I think their would be more happy relationships
34. The problem is that most people aren’t even honest with themselves
35. So it’s even harder for them to be honest to other people.
36. When they lie or hide things from those people, they think they are doing them a favor. But they usually know or find out and it just causes more hurt.
37. Speaking of liars... I hate politicians
38. Both sides lie all the time and
39. Come election time all you are doing is choosing the lesser of two evils.
40. I wanna find someone that I feel comfortable telling everything too.
41. I have yet to find someone that even comes close.
42. I used to think that marijuana was really bad stuff and you could die the first time you tried it.
42. That’s what they taught us in elementary school anyway....
43. I’ve never tried it, but I don’t look down upon those who use it.... as long as it’s done in moderation.
44. Ben Franklin once said something like "Moderation in all things."
45. Ben Franklin was a very smart man.
46. I have never even taken one puff from a cigarette.
47. I think smoking is very disgusting.
48. If I see a girl smoking it’s a huge turnoff... enough to completely turn me off in fact
49. Don’t smoke girls... most guys don’t like it... plus it’s expensive
50. I have no problem with drinking though. Just get your exercise to keep the beer gut off, give the keys to someone sober (drinking and driving is for dumbasses), and try not to say anything you wouldn’t say if you were sober.


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