Sunday, July 11, 2004

a blacker white

Hey hey! Yesterday was probably the highlight of my week. I woke up at 6 AM, having only 5 hours of sleep because the Olympic trials were on and I wanted to watch the 10k run. Anyway, I had a race to get ready for so I iced my ankle (I rolled it really bad Thursday) and ate the breakfast of champion: chicken-flavored Ramen Noodles. Baby K showed up at my house a little earlier than expected, so she got to watch me eat my noodles. Once the noodles had been sufficiently downed, we hopped in Big Blue and picked up Alexis. Matt was supposed to tag along as well, but he had not run in a number of days and was not feeling well the day for. I was sad that he wasn't gonna be able to come because the race is tight and he would have had fun. While on the topic of the race, it would probably be smart to mention what I'm referring to, that being the Running Wild 5k in Michigan City. This is probably my favorite road race for a number of reasons. First, the race takes place right next to the lake. Second, the neighborhood you run through has really cool houses and scenery. Third, the race is organized and run very well. Finally, the course is pretty challenging. The last mile of the race is on the sandy beach. That being said, the three of us did extremely well. Alexis won her age group (22:40?) and Lauren(24:00?) placed 3rd. I, however, did not do as well as they did. I got 4th or 5th in my age group and placed 11th overall with a time of 18:47.

After the race we headed over to Taco Bell because we were quite famished; Alexis and I downed at Grande Meal. Then we headed up north again to Mount Baldy. It was kinda crowded there and the sand bar was really far out. Lauren and I swam out to it and came back completely exhausted. We all agreed that it sucked there, so we jumped in the car and headed to Kemil Beach. Kemil is by far my favorite beach because the water is cleaner, the beach is uncrowded, and the sand is very fine (no pebbles). We were there for at least 3 hours, and during that time I managed to burn just a little bit. But it has since tanned out and I'm now a blacker white than before haha.

Today my long run distance run is 10 miles. I have not run that far in quite some time now. So, we'll see how it goes. Later folks ~Rich

Mood: peaceful
Music: John Barleycorn Must Die by Traffic


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