Thursday, August 05, 2004

"I got thoughts in my head and I'm ready to sting"

It's been a couple of days since I've posted. No, nothing of true importance has been going on. This week has been pretty enjoyable and I've learned a number of things that made me laugh my ass off. Sorry kids, I can't really go into detail due to the graphic nature of the stories. Whatever the case, the week has mainly just been full of running and talking to people that I haven't talked to in awhile. I'm trying to get a lot of things settled before I head off to college. I've been hanging out with Justin the past few days. It's been really nice since I only saw him one other time over vacation. He brought his PS2 over and we played Athens 2004. Nothing beats the old school Nintendo running pad, but it was still a cool game. In other news, I roasted my ass off on an 8 mile run w/Jake two days ago. We ran out to Deep River County Park from his house and jumped in the lake halfway through our run. Maybe we should start running at cooler times of the day. Then again, if we did that we wouldn't have an excuse to go for a little swim. Decisions, decisions. Tomorrow I've got quite a bit going on, all of it fun; so I'm happy. Less than 2 weeks 'til I go to college. I'm ecstatic. Later~ Rich

Mood: ecstatic, duh
Music: See Through Head by The Hives


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