Monday, August 23, 2004

XC... campus life... 'n more

Wowness.... It's been a number of days since I have posted anything on here. I can explain this unlikely situation by the fact that I didn't end up going to Wal-Mart and purchasing a network cable until today. So, now that I have the cable, I can once again throw my thoughts out into the cyberworld.


Practice started on Saturday with a 2 mile warmup and then a 4 mile cutdown, each mile is run faster than the previous, followed by a 3 mile cooldown. Yesterday we ran 9 miles easy. I finished 8 of them in 53 minutes and change. Today we started two-a-day's with an easy run in the morning and we are doing some stride drills and circuit training tonight followed by and easy run. I also found out I have tendonitis in my right knee (yay) so I have to hop in the ice bath after each run. Speaking of the ice bath, today's chilly episode was pretty funny. Jesse, one of our top runners, hopped in at the same time I did. A few minutes later one of the trainers came in....

Jesse: Hey, is it ok if I'm in here, I have ringworm?
Trainer: Ringworm?! Where do you have it?!
Jesse: *more than knee deep in the water* Um.... on my calf
Trainer: What?! Why would you...? Get out of there!
Jesse: I'm just messin' with ya man....

Campus Life

To start off, I'd like to say my dorm room freaking rocks! I moved in Thursday and I've got it all to myself until Wednesday. My room is at least twice the size of my old bedroom. HBO is included in the cable. The internet is faster than back home. I guess what I'm trying to get at is that everything down here is better. Although in terms of flatness abyss, Hebron definately kicks E-ville's ass.

So Thursday I went over to my roommates house and hung out for awhile. I have a feeling that by the end of the year I will be proficient in the art of playing Halo. John was also kind enough to let me have his TV and DVD player before he even moved in so that I could stay sane during the (very little) downtime I have.

Friday coach called me right before I was going to walk out the door and run. He said a bunch of other guys were gonna be running at 4, so I waited around until then. I ended up doing 6 miles with a few of the upperclassmen and a fellow freshmen, Rob. Rob's from Terre Haute and ran for North. He was pretty cool so we ended up grabbing some supper and hanging out after the run. I showed him some of the lesser-known music I listen to. Then we headed over to his room and he showed me some stuff that he listed to, Juliana Theory among a number of others. Around 1-2 in the morning we went out in the parking lot for some Frisbee. After that we headed over to Steak 'n Shake for some food and then crashed. All in all, a very enjoyable night.

After practice on Saturday we headed over to the track house for pancakes and water (to rehydrate). Later on a few of us ended up at Jake and Reffett's apartment. They've got a really nice set up. I'm tired of typing now, so I'm gonna head. Peace~ Rich

Mood: happy
Music: Soundgarden's Superunknown album


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