Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Bye Hebron

I am quite happy right now. Tonight is my last night in Hebron. By this time tomorrow I will be sleeping in Evansville. And, by Thursday, I will be moved into my dorm room which will leave me with at least 2 days of having to do absolutely nothing. I'm really looking forward to doing nothing except eating, sleeping, and running. I haven't had a lot of time by myself this summer and I think it will be a nice break. Saturday is my first team practice and it promises to be a killer. I'm smart though... I'm bringing 2 cases of Gatorade down with me. That should last about a week, haha.

Today went by quick. I saw Collateral with Eric and it was really good except the ending sucked. After that I headed over to Wheeler and ran a hilly 10-miler with Jake. It was a good run and we finished in an hour and six minutes. Anyway, my next post will probably be in Evansville. Until then..... PEACE! ~ Rich


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