Wednesday, June 09, 2004

"I've got no money. I've got no secrets....."

Mike came over yesterday and gave my Zwan CD back; I was elated. Thank you Michael. I actually did a few things yesterday. PJ called after work and we decided to head up to the dunes for a run. We stopped by Dre's first to see if she wanted to come. She had a friend over and they had been "washing cars all day," so they decided to follow us up. When we got there it was beautiful. It was just starting to cool down and the sun was reflecting off the lake. But, before we could lounge around we had to run. I made the mistake of suggesting trail 9, a trail which features rolling sand dunes and which I am in no shape of trying to tackle at a good lick. After we had run a good portion of the trail PJ too a dive straight into the sand after tripping over a root. I felt sorry for him, but it was pretty funny. When we finished we ran into Scott, Aaron, and Sam. So we shot the bull with them for awhile and then headed back to Dre and her friend.

Today was pretty fun as well. I went over to Brown's house with Will for a little bit of gaming. After I got back I ate and ran. Went over to PJ's house for awhile and listened to some old vinyl records. I have a new-found appreciation for DEVO. That about wraps it up though. Tomorrow I leave for Vermont at 3 in the afternoon. I've kinda felt like I've been missing something lately, hopefully I'll be able to find it while I'm out there. We'll see~ Rich

Mood: happy
Music: "Declarations of Faith" by Zwan


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