Sunday, June 06, 2004


My biological clock is so screwed up right now. It's going on midnight and I feel like it's 12 in the in afternoon. Whatever the case, I have 3 days to get back on track before we head out east. First we are going to my Uncle Rod's house near Killington, Vermont. Second, we head down to East Stratford, VT for a day to see one of my Dad's high school friends. I was happy to hear that we would be going there because last summer when we visited I had 2 of my most enjoyable runs of the summer around the town and surrounding backroads. Next, we are heading over to my cousin's house in the White Mountains of New Newhampshire. I'm hoping that I can finally hike Mount Lafeyette, Cannon Mountain, or some other noteworthy mountain. Besides that there are always hill repeats from hell just outside my cousins door and innumerable breathtaking views. Finally, it's down to Connecticut for the reunion and back to Indiana.

Right now I'm listening to Incubus' Morning View album. I love putting this away for awhile and then taking it back out a few weeks down the line; it's just one of those CD's that never gets old. That's kind of how my Zwan CD is. I'd really like to listen to that right now. But MIKE HASN'T GIVEN IT BACK YET. It's okay Mike, I'm not too mad.... but I really want it back :(

I think I'm gonna go now. Hope you are all having fun sleeping right now... something I wish I was able to do right now. Oh oh, tomorrow I'm gonna start running every day again. Laterz~ Rich


At 9:09 AM, Blogger Michael said...

*bobs head to Corgan's voice*

I love this band.

lol I keep it in my truck all the time now, so I can just drop it off at your place sometime.


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