Monday, May 31, 2004

A Week of Plastic and Paper

Greetings, I hope everyone out there is enjoying Memorial Day. I have had an interesting weekend thus far. Went up to Rob's on Friday thinking that was the day of Johnny D's open house. However, I am retarded and I soon found out it was Saturday. It was nice to get up there though, because Jake E. was at Rob's too, so I got to talk to him for awhile (that hummingbird is the shit, Jake). Anyway, John's mom was staying overnight up there, so he didn't wanna stick around. He came back with me to Hebron. When we got back, we went over to Brandon's house and then ended up in the 4 Seasons a half an hour later. That ended up being boring as hell though so we got back to Hebron around 1-something and crashed.

Saturday morning Johnny and I picked up the 6-foot sub he ordered from Subway. Ya, that thing was frickin' huge! It took up my entire backseat lol. So we got back, the open house started, met some his family, and a bunch of his friends from OD came over. After the open house was over, we went back to Brandon's house for what proved to be a very interesting night. I learned a new game over there which was really crazy, Brandon said we were the first group to ever get through the entire thing, so naturally I was very proud.

Oh yeah, I have 2 frickin' awards ceremonies to go to this week on top of graduation. Thus the title of today's post: A Week of Paper and Plastic. There's a bunch more, but I really don't feel like typing all of it out right now. So laterz~ Rich


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