Hi. It's been a long time, and I've missed you Blogger. We've had some good times, and I'm sorry that I haven't paid more attention to you. I'm sure that if you were between the ages of 1-12 and human I would have been arrested by the authorities for neglect and endangerment, but you're not.
Whew. Anyway, I don't have much access to the internet right now due to computer trouble. However, I find myself quite content with the situation as it has allowed me to start reading more than just NRO articles, Opinion Journal editorials, and Cato Institute policy reviews. That's right, I have rediscovered my appreciation for the leather-bound book.....
paperbacks are cool too.
My focus in life has currently shifted to two things: math class and furthering my knowledge of economics. I recently finished all of Milton Friedman's
Free to Choose. This book is simply amazing (something I discovered when reading the first 3 chapters last summer). Hopefully I can find the time to go more in depth about the principles Friedman presents some other time. I have now started on
The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich von Hayek. The book primarily focuses on how heavy reliance on government intervention can create a welfare-state, ultimately leading to a totalitarian regime. John Maynard Keynes' writings will be the next area of study if all goes according to plan. But now I need to go run. Perhaps another post soon, maybe even in less than three weeks. ~