Sunday, May 16, 2004

I hope that you are enjoying a blissful ignorance.....

I was about to call it a night, but I have something I wanna get off my back. It seems like over the past few months I occasionally run into people who tell me things another person (Person X) has told them that simply aren't true. Moreover, this Person X has been carrying on this lie throughout various posts in their blog and other peoples in the "comments/props" section. Earlier this year I could still understand why Person X would continue to lie about the subject matter (however childish it was). Yet now, after a number of months, the lie keeps on being brought up by Person X for almost no reason whatsoever. My guess is that Person X is doing so for two reasons. A.) lying about this particular subject makes Person X think they look really cool to other people B.) Person X is so consumed with the idea that it has to have been someone's fault (aka mine) that they must try anything in their power to make me look like the dumb/bad guy. Then again, they may be doing this for both reasons. Whatever the case, it's really sad. If you're as mature as you claim to be/think you are, then why don't you just drop it. I don't need to go around trying to tell all of my friends what "really" happened, so don't go around lying to yours (or mine for that matter). Frieden aus. ~ Rich


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