Wednesday, May 05, 2004


I really dunno what to talk about tonight. Don't really feel like talking about my day because it was just kind of "blah." I am going to the Dunes after my meet on Saturday to get a nice workout in which I'm kind of excited about. Oh I guess I do have something to talk about; clingy people piss me off. Most of the clingy people I know are nice, and I'm nice in return. However, I think that this is why they bug the hell out of me all of the time. But, I'd feel kinda bad if I just told them to shut the hell up. If it continues I may just have too. Because it's one thing if they just try and talk to me all the time. It's quite another thing when they are trying to invite themselves into going or doing whatever it is that I (or my friends) are doing at the time. Haha, 90% of the people that read this have no clue what I'm talking about. Oh well.~ Rich


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