Tuesday, December 14, 2004

"The space between what's wrong and right..."

Hey kids! I took my history final yesterday; it was really easy (I thought anyway). After I finished it I talked to Dr. Pitzer for awhile because I had received some bonus points for pointing out that the Bin Laden's had made amassed their fortune from their construction business. What I thought was really cool was that out of the 125-30 people in my class he knew my name. He was, by far, my favorite professor this semester. I asked him if he had read any of Victor Davis Hanson's papers because his teaching style is similar to that of Hanson's writing style. He said that he had and we went on to talk about the Bush doctrine and who has played roles in shaping it. Whatever the case, I am sure that I will be taking more classes offered by Dr. Pitzer.

Christmas Break is almost upon us and I'm wondering what I am going to do. I won't be getting back until next Tuesday because I'll be spending the weekend with Croce. When I get back it's gonna be crunch time in preparation for indoor track season. It looks like I'll be running a few workouts with Jake over in Wheeler, but other than that I look forward to running at Stoney Run. Man, I haven't run there since this past summer. I miss it. Anyway, I also have a books that I'd like to tackle over break. I've put some works by Friedman, von Hayek, and Keynes on my Christmas list; they are all economists, by the way. Hopefully I get them.

Well I need to jet because I've got an english final at 12 and I'd like to eat.


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