Tuesday, November 30, 2004

"Nobody ever mentions weather to make or break your day"

So I think I've got this thing figured out. Because Evansville has nothing but sunny, humid, 80 degree days throughout summer and autumn there must be nothing but rainy and 50 degree days throughout November and probably December. Can you guess what the weather is like right now?

We've got a workout on Strueh Hill today. When I found out that we were doing a workout yesterday I was pretty pissed off, but now I want to do it. I actually like hill repeats, especially up Strueh. For those of you not in the know, Strueh Hill is the longest hill we have on our course. Although it's a fairly steady climb, it's a quarter-mile long. So by the time you wind around to see the top your starting to hurt.

Speaking of hurting, I've got english class at 12; now that's painful. Later~ Rich

Today's Music: "What's the Story (Morning Glory)" by Oasis


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