Friday, November 26, 2004

The ocean breathes salty....

Day-After Thanksgiving sales are absolutely crazy. People are choking each other over who gets the last blender for 50% off retail, clothes are strewn about the floors, and the lines are 45 minutes long. Why the hell was I in Merriville on such a crazy day? Because my good friend Matthew needed a vacuum, actually his mom need the vacuum. We braved the crazy people and long lines to get $100 off this particular vacuum, so it ended up being a good day. Hurrah.

Lasagna is cooking in the oven; it's so nice to eat real food again. After I demolish the lasagna I'll be heading over to Hebron High for THE game. I hear we're playing Kouts which means that it's gonna be loud and packed, the way I like it. That's about it for now. Oh, I'm getting a new bass. Pretty sweet, huh? Peace~ Rich


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