Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Top 10 Ways to Create Drama On A Team

10.) Distort the truth when telling a dramatic occurence to make yourself look like a better person.

9.) Be sure to criticize other people of their shortcomings often, and always remember to disregard the fact that you have your own problems and are not secure enough to deal with them.

8.) Create away messages or weblog posts that are open to interpretation in an effort to piss off other people (shit that sounds hypocritical, wait, I invoke #9).

7.) If anyone looks at you or says anything in a manner that you don't like, remember to tell everyone on a daily basis just how much you hate them.

6.) If a member of your team hooks up with a member of the opposite sex, try to flirt or have relations with their partner.

5.) Get pissed off at other people based on hearsay.

4.) In the words of Tool: "Wear the grudge like a crown."

3.) If you feel the urge to bitch someone out, do it when they are drunk. That way they are completely defenseless to what you say; moreover, it'll make you look like a total badass.

2.) Logic and reason usually kill drama: never use either.

1.) Sleep with as many people on your team as possible.

A disclaimer to save my ass: There are many people on the team who are sick of unnecessary drama; it's bullshit, and it's tearing our team apart. For that reason I have created this post. If some people find it absolutely necessary to create drama, then those of us not involved should at least get a good laugh from their stupidity.


At 6:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I completely agree with you, nice list, not to mention extremely truthful. I was hoping at college there would be alot less drama than in high school, but it doesn't sound like it. I guess being a year older and in a new environment doesn't really change people. See ya the next time you come back to Hebron, good luck with the drama. Adios.



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