I had a great weekend back home. When I got home my parents fixed me steak and potatoes which is really great after having consumed basically the same food every day for the past few weeks. Anyway, I watched the New Prairie semi-state and it was really good. The times were surprisingly fast considering how muddy the course was. One guy collapsed 50 feet from the finish line, got back up and walked up to the finish line and collapsed 3 feet short of it, and then finally crawled across after laying there for a few seconds. He still finished in 17:30. Amazing.
One thing happened the night before I left that really pissed me off. This girl asked me to give her my honest opinion regarding what I thought about her frequent harrassment of her ex-boyfriend. So after I tell her that I think she is stupid for thinking that somehow they are going to hook up again and everything will be ok she gets pissed at me. I'm sorry honey, but how many times has the kid already lied to you? How long did he treat you like shit? And do you know what he has been saying about you the past few weeks? Don't blame me for your ignorance, and have fun getting screwed over by someone who is only using you..... again. There is a fine line between trust and just plain stupidity; you've crossed it. That's all for now kids. Sorry, but I had to let off some steam. Later folks.~ Rich
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