Friday, October 29, 2004

What's new?

This week has been hella crazy. I got an 87% on my history test which got me pretty psyched; the class average was 60%. Today was my last day of running for a week. In all likelihood, I won't miss it for a few days because my legs have been tired the past two weeks. Yesterday I got my schedule figured out for next semester. I will be registered for my classes on Monday.

I'm taking:
English 201
College Algebra
Geology 141
Phys Ed 390: Coaching Track & Field

Next Friday I have to give a "persuasive" speech, so I have decided to focus on why lower taxes for everyone, including the rich, are a good thing. Some items that will be included in my speech are how Keynesian theory on the redistribution of wealth is faulty as well as an analysis of JK's tax hikes compared to Bush's tax cuts (why Bush's plan is better, but still has faults). One book that I highly recommend everyone read is Milton Friedman's "Free to Choose." Friedman has been a University of Chicago economics professor as well as a Nobel-Prize recipient for his work in economics research. The book provides a straight forward approach to how many economic decisions should be based around individual freedom and the government's moral obligation to impose the least amount of restrictions necessary upon the economy. Well, that's all for now kids because I need to hit the books. ~ Rich


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