Monday, November 08, 2004

Ouch, that hurts.

Poor shitty "economist," the higher voter turnout favored Bush. Are you still misty eyed? And if so, is it for other reasons?

11/8/04 8:29: I would like to make a correction regarding many of the statements I have previously made regarding the election. Indeed, I have no right to criticize anything that a liberal from the East or West Coast says because I am but a simpleton, apparently living in "Jesusland," and unfortunately I do not reside in a big house to isolate me from the pulse of all the other "stupid people." Moreover, I seem to have forgotten that having a Ph.D. with one's name on it automatically justifies their opinion as always being the right one.

Okay, I'm done with that little addition to this post which, by the way, is dripping with sarcasm. These are all reasons why the left lost this election. The liberal elite has gotten so out of touch with the American people that they can't even accept defeat when it's swiftly handed to them (by 3.5 million votes, I may add). In 2000, many of them whined that a great voter turnout would have handed the election to Gore. Now, in the face of one of the largest voter turnouts in years, they find themselves screaming that the election was won because of extremist right-wing Evangelical whackos hell bent on, God (oh shit, did just say mention that Guy?) forbid, preserving the basic principles and moral foundation that was used in the creation of this great nation. Apparently, 2.5 million square miles of America is infested wrong-minded, gay bashing, gun toting, beer chugging idiots. Or, maybe that is just what people such as Michael Moore and Paul Krugman want to believe. The elite left is not in touch with the majority of Americans' values, and this is precisely why they have lost, again.


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