Thursday, March 11, 2004


Greetings. Today was a very fun day which, at its conclusion, seems to have opened up new and exciting possibilities. However, much to the dissapointment of the many (sic) readers of this blog, I am not willing to go into details at this time. Although I shall tell you how the rest of the day went. School didn't seem to be very bad today. Classes were easy and just kinda flew by. I just wish that practice could have been the same. The weather today was probably the worst that I have had to endure in over a month. Hands down the wind was the best. My favorite running buddy Mike D. (actually he's tied with Matt) accompanied me on this most enjoyable of runs; and by enjoyable I would especially like to point out the ability to barely move forward when going directly into the wind. But hey, this is what we get for running outside in Indiana in March. Moreover, I had run in weather much worse only two months ago. Tomorrow I've got morning practice if I actually find the ability to get up.

After track I headed over to Kouts for Acedemic Super Bowl competition (those of us on the team don't beat around the bush; we just call it Nerd Bowl). It was quite fun, I was on the social studies team. Unfortunately, I think the questions they asked actually made me dumber. For example, what was Sputnik? a.) a space vehicle b.) a nuclear submarine c.) an atomic bomb d.) your mom. OK, so the "your mom" choice was not actually on the quiz, but it gets the point across. It was all good though, we tore it up. The only questions we really missed were those involving 50's television shows (we didn't even know that was part of the material that we needed to study). Oh well, I'm tired. Later~ Rich


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