Tuesday, March 02, 2004


Hey all, today was, for the most part, a good day. Somehow I made it through yet another boring day of school. Track practice was a wonderful little hell I created myself. I decided to do 12x300, which was fun cuz I was able to hit pace, but it's taking a little while to get used to running myself into the ground. Moreover, I also need to get used to getting up early enough to make my lunch. Today was the one day that I did not have a decent lunch (no bananas, thus no pottassium). So, after running 1 lap of my cooldown I started getting leg cramps (grrr....). I think I'll live tho. When I got home I screwed around on bass for awhile. Even just shredding up and down scales is oh so very relaxing. Still can't put Frusciante's new CD down; I think I'll have to force myself to put it down in a day or two. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll get sick of it. I really don't feel like typing up a storm tonight so I'll leave it at that. Lataz~ Rich


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