Sunday, April 17, 2005

I got my car!

There is much new, as usual. This weekend has been great. My parents came down and I got to spend some time with them Saturday; and I got the Blue Beast back, yes! After hooking me up with some nice swag from the mall, walking down by the river, and wining and dining me @ the Acropolis they had to leave. Thanks so much for everything, it rocked! Next Friday I'm heading over to Louisville for PJ's meet and also for Thunder On The Ohio. TOTO is where they basically blow up one of the bridges in Louisville without actually taking it down; we're talking about an assload of fireworks here, people. In the meantime it looks like I'll be heading over to Carter Hall for the athletic banquet. Free food. I love it. ~ Rich


At 8:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*sigh* The Blue Beast... good times lol



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