Saturday, March 26, 2005

My Music and Others...

G-wood, Howski, and I were supposed to open for Rich Hardesty tonight at the Duck Inn. However, his plane apparently had problems and he wasn't able to get another flight out here, so the show's been moved to next month or so. I think it's probably a good thing because I don't think we prepared well enough for the show. This will also give us a chance to work with some material that we had to scratch out earlier. Moving on....

There are a few CD's that I haven't been able to put down lately and I'd like to recommend them for your listening pleasure:

5.) Donavan Frankenreiter's "Donovan Frankenreiter" ~ Acoustic artist on Jack Johnson's record label. Has a laid back, good vibes sound that can be associated with Dave Matthews and Jack Johnson. His single "What'cha Know About" can be found on his website.

4.) Queens of The Stone Age's "Lullabies To Paralyze" ~ Although this CD sadly lacks the influence of Nick Oliveri's bass, it still achieves the creativity one would expect from guitarist/frontman Josh Homme. "Little Sister" promises to be one of the rock hits of 2005 with its catchy little guitar riff. Other notable tracks include "Tangled in Plaid" and "Everybody Knows That You're Insane."

3.) The Academy Is "Almost Here" ~ This is the The Academy's debut full-length album. I first heard these kids live in mid-January with Something Corporate and I've liked them ever since. The lyrics are clever, I like the guitar riffs, and it's a tad harder than your typical emo punk. Tracks to check out include: "Slow Down" "Almost Here" "Skeptics and Believers"

2.) Jack Johnson's "In Between Dreams" ~ Fellow teammate Doug Higgins has introduced me to both Donovan Frankenreiter and Jack Johson and I absolutely love their music. Johnson really delivers some good songs on this album including my now all-time favorite Jack song, "Sitting, Waiting, Wishing." So check this out because it's even better than his first 2 CDs.

1.) John Frusciante's "Curtains" ~ The final album of an amazing "Six albums in 6 months" streak. Each of the past few albums has featured a different style spanning indie-rock to electronica. This will probably go down as Frusciante's best work to date. The album is comprised of primarily acoustic singer-songwriter tracks. What makes this album truly special is the honesty and emotion that is poured into the songs both lyrically and instrumentally. "No Time Tonight" "Anne" and "Ascension" are some of the more noteworthy tracks on the album, though I must say there isn't a bad song out of the ten.


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