Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Insert Update Here

A three day weekend is just 24 hours and 40 minutes away, and like almost any extended weekend at USI, most of the high schoolers trapped in college student's bodies are packing their bags and heading home to mommy and daddy for at least the second time in a month. I, however, am not. This weekend will probably not result in any interesting developments in my life, probably just pool workouts and Geology book learnin'. It looks like I go back to the doctor's office to get cleared on Monday, not today as I had previously been led to believe. Oh well.

In other news I aced the paper that I had to pull an all-nighter on before Spring Break, so go me! That's all for now I presume. It doesn't seem to be much fun updating this thing anymore, sorry. I'll attempt to be better about it though.... maybe. ~ Rich


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