Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The Ohio River looks like a thousand diamonds strewn across a brown plane...

What a beautiful day! It's 50 degrees and cloudy in Hebron right now, but it's 65 and sunny in Evansville; jealous, aren't you? I just got back from a brief field trip in my geology lab. I really hate that class, but today it was mildly entertaining as students were able to drive the vans. The guy driving my van intentionally plowed into a garbage can and I couldn't stop laughing for 5 minutes because of it. On the way back our instructor was driving one of the vans; she was going 10 miles under the speed limit. So one of my fellow classmates decided to pass her which was hilarious. Now I'm just waiting for my geology lecture (yes, that's right kids, I have damn near 4 hours of geology). After that I think I might just go for a walk. I would go for a run, but uhhhh.... yeah. Anyway, it's time to enjoy the weather. Peace~ Rich

Garwoodism of the Week:
"Polka dot shirts are for homosexuals... that's all I have to say about that issue..."


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