Saturday, January 29, 2005

"It's just a minor thing and I'm a minor king..."

Last night I ran at IU. I sucked, again. Although I ran a second faster than last week (crossed the line in 4:41) I still was not satisfied. I should be a good 4-5 seconds under my high school PR right now. There's a possibility that I'm just adjusting to racing differently. My half-mile split (2:10) was only 1 or 2 seconds slower than my old 800 PR. Whatever the case, I'd like to thank Mike and Jeff for walking all the way across the frigid IU campus to watch me. That was really cool guys.

Moving on, USI is facing Kentucky Wesleyan today. From what I am told, this game is like a DII version of the Duke/North Carolina rivalry, so it should be good. After that, who knows, maybe I can finally relax for the first time in probably 2 weeks. ~ Rich


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