Thursday, January 13, 2005

In the year 2005....

As all of you (hopefully) know, we have moved into 2005. What will happen this year? No one can be quite sure. So that's why I'm going to make some predictions. If they are right, then I will probably very cocky. If they are wrong, I'll probably tell you I was just playin' around. Either way it'll make for a good laugh.

1.) The deficit will start to shrink..... and it won't be reported by the "reliable media".

2.) I will turn 19.

3.) Michael Moore will produce a "documentary" dealing with how El Presidente Bush stole yet another election, this time in Ohio.

4.) Hillary Clinton will run announce her run for the presidency in 2008. Theresa Heinz Kerry will soon follow in her footsteps.

5.) Audioslave will release a new album; I will like it.

6.) The USI track & field team will strike fear into the hearts of mediocre running talent across the Midwest. *muahahaha*

7.) Koffi Annan will have be forced to resign despite all of the wonderful things he has done for impoverished people of the world.

8.) The genocide in Darfur will continue to be ignored by the rest of the world because there is nothing to capitalize on by ending the tragedy. Though other nations could help bring an end to the situation, the US will solely be held accountable for the lack of action.

9.) John Frusciante will continue to remain unknown while ass-clowns such as Hoho and Ashlee Simpson clog the airwaves with shitty music.

10.) Something Corporate will play an amazing show on January 22nd in St. Louis and I will witness it firsthand.

There you have it, my predictions. Will they all happen? Hell no! But it's a worth a shot. ~ Rich


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