Tuesday, February 01, 2005

"And I wonder when this day will end..."

Tonight marked the first time in at least 3 months that I did a pool workout. I forgot just how much I hate them; I also forgot just how badly I suck at swimming. Maybe by the time I can start running again I'll be able to execute proper freestyle technique. One could only hope with the looks I was getting from the lifeguard and fellow swimmers. There came a point where I was ready to just scream, "Yes, I know I suck at swimming! The only reason I'm here is because I probably have a stress fracture! I'm a runner, not a swimmer. How many of you can walk out the door and run 10 miles without thinking twice about it?!"

In other news I have a huge geology test I need to be studying for. It requires a shitload of reading, so I'm going to depart. But before I do so, I'll leave you all with a brand new Garwoodism... Peace to your hearts. ~ Rich

This week's Garwoodism: "Living your life by quotes is bullshit, just don't forget to write this down."


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