Monday, April 11, 2005

"Today is gonna be the day..."

I realize that my postings on here are beginning to get few and far between yet again, and I apologize. However, pyschology and geology have been kicking my ass (my psych prof wrote our textbook and my geology prof should be working for the US Geological Survey). Whatever the case, here I am. What's new? Well, I'm finally running more than 3 miles a day on a consistent basis and that means that I'm in the kind of shape I was in as a freshman in high school. I'm hoping that by the time school's out I'll be in senior shape (pathetic, isn't it?).

For those of you not in the know, I'm gonna be livin' with Jake E and Reffett this summer. I will be up in the region for 2-3 days after school gets out, but here's the situation. May 6th is when I get out, and May 6th and 7th are the days of my team's conference meet in Romeoville, IL. Thus, I'll definitely be going to the first day of competition and most likely the 2nd day too. However, feel free to call me if you want to come with me and watch USI kick some ass.

That's all for now, leave some love. ~ Rich


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