Thursday, February 10, 2005

Garwoodism of The Week....

Hey folks! I really don't wanna go into a lengthy rant tonight or tell you about everything that's happening in my life. But I will give you the pleasure of a new Garwoodism. Actually, it's been a busy week, so Garwood is going to bless you with 2 Garwoodisms of a similar variety. Enjoy.... ~ Rich

This week's Garwoodism:
"God didn't make you a whore, so don't use his quotes to justify your unlawful use of free-will."

"You may not be an STD-toting whore, but that makes you no less a whore."


At 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

these garwoodism's make me upset i hope your dog dies

At 12:23 PM, Blogger Live Free or Die Trying said...

Haha... Well I'm sure I'd be upset if I had a dog, Garwood.


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