Saturday, September 25, 2004


I came. I ran. I beat my old 8k PR by more than a minute and a half. So I'm really fuckin' happy right now. My mile splits were 5:13, 10:40, 17:something at the 5k, didn't get my 4 mile split, and I finished in 27:53. Today also marked the first time I ever ran against anyone from Alaska (University of Alaska-Anchorage flew all the way out to USI, crazy). Stonehill (MA), Kennesaw State (GA), Cal Poly-Pomona, U. Cal-San Diego, U. Tennessee-Chatanooga, and U. Alabama-Huntsville were also in attendance. Eight of the fifteen or so teams in the meet are ranked nationally, thus making it a really good experience. I'm hoping that I'll be running at Edwardsville in two weeks after my performance today; we'll see. In the meantime, I'm gonna roll out. There's a little get-together at the house and a few of the other teams may be coming. As Jake E. would say: Peace to your heart. ~ Rich


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