Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I hate rocks....

We had a sample midterm today and although I would have passed, it wouldn't have been very pretty. I just got done studying for my math midterm tomorrow. So, it looks like I'll move on to working on my research paper for english tomorrow. That's about it with life right now. I've been swimming so much that it's become normal to me; I still suck though. What's really annoying is that when I go in the evening there are a bunch of people that are there simply to cannonball of the diving board or throw a ball across the pool. Let me go into a little more detail... I'm trying to do a workout, to stay in shape, to prepare to represent my college in the fall, and there are 200-500 lb assholes doing cannonballs 5 feet away from me just for the hell of it. Some people suck at life. That's my rant for the day.

The social security issue has really been frustrating me lately. Perhaps if I can get around to it, I'll write yet another rant on why privatization is the key to better financial security than one can get from the present system. Anyway, I need to go. There's more math to do and IU is playing Purdue. I figured for this week's Garwoodism we'd bring out a classic. Enjoy ~ Rich

Garwoodism of the week:
"I don't believe in love, I believe in infatuation for procreation."


At 8:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah......u do suck at swimming....no offense!!!

~KT =)

At 9:41 PM, Blogger Live Free or Die Trying said...

Really? I thought that my breaststroke was almost flawless. No, wait, scratch that. I suck, bad.


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